You Won't Achieve Your Goals in 2 Days

I feel like an idiot.

For the longest time, I used to get impatient, frustrated, and throw tantrums

I have gone through this cycle countless times in many domains for the past 4 years:

"I set a goal to make $5000 per month 1 month back. Why have I not achieved it? All these online courses and content creators are a scam. Screw this shit."

The reason why is because I did fuck-all nothing to move towards my goals tangibly.

For the longest time I just mindlessly watched content.
(now given that it was Self-Improvement content, it is still just the lesser of many evils)

Mentally masturbating, thinking, ''I will learn everything first. And THEN, I will take action"

That's not how life works.

Reality is not compartmentalized.

You Learn by Doing

Even if you read 10 books and watched 100 videos on How to Ride a Bike,

You'd still fail.

Knowledge must be acquired, but in order to Understand, it must be brushed up against reality to see if it holds its weight.

Dan Koe (The Art of Focus)

I didn't make any progress, and it was fair.

I didn't act on the tasks that moved the needle.

Hence I didn't achieve the goal.

And since I had this false perception of reality, 'I thinketh and it shalt become',

I was simply trodding on my own dick.

Here’s a thought:

Do you teleport if you want to go from New York to London?

Or do you take a series of steps like:

  • Think about going to London

  • Applying for a visa

  • Arranging documents

  • Booking the ticket

  • Packing your bag

(and so many more steps before, in between, and after the ones I've written here than I care to illustrate)

No. You don't.

(unless you're Doctor Strange with his magic sling ring)

To get from point A to B, you need to take a series of steps to get there.

One of the common pieces of advice you may have heard,

"Don't look at the peak of the mountain. Just take the next step"

Your Goals are no different.

What is a Goal?

A goal is an Effect.

It is a snapshot in time.

It’s a culmination or aggregation of causes.

You take actions and the universe responds

 "each action has an equal and opposite reaction”

Where you are in the present is point A.

And your goal is point B.

You don't just get from A to B in 24 hours, or 48 hours, or 2 weeks or even years.

Time here is irrelevant.

The only thing existing between you and your Goal is a series of decisions you have to make.

(You don’t decide to become lean and it happens the next day.
You decide to stand up from your desk, walk 10k steps, go to the gym, eat cleaner…and repeat these decisions for 6-12 months.
And then you reach your goal of ‘becoming lean’)

The only reason you aren't making them is because:

  • You don't have clarity on the next step, or

  • You don't want it bad enough

That's. It.

The only person who has the ability to think something, and for it to then Become, is The Creator

(or God, or Allah, or Brahman, or The Universe, or whatever label you prefer to use for the underlying supreme power that has created everything from the atom to the universe)

Since you're not omnipotent, you're going to have to open your notebook and write it down.

You need to become aware of 3 things:

  • Something to run towards (Your Vision)

  • Something to run away from (Your Anti-Vision)

  • The needle-moving tasks that will move you in the direction of your vision (Priority)

The last analogy I want to give you is ‘The Tree of Growth’.

When you plant a seed, you don't expect it to become an Oak tree the next day.

You go to that seed that's buried, that you can't even see, and water it every day without fail.

Even as weeks and months go by, you just see small... negligible inches of growth.

But you still do what is required, every single day; because you Believe it will grow.

The seed is your present

The tree is your goal

The water is your process

The growth is your story

10 year mindset, not 2 weeks.

Keep moving forward.

It will happen.

- Maaz